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The Dean of the School of Marxism of NPU participated in the conference on‘Promoting the Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Classes in Schools in the New Era’

时间:2024-06-24 浏览量:

(Article/Xie Lin, Review/Li Gang)

The meeting "Promote the construction of school ideology and politics courses in the new era" was held in Beijing on 11 May. Ding Xuexiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng presided over the meeting. Members of the Central Education Work Leading Group, responsible comrades of relevant departments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, central and state organs, and representatives of outstanding ideological and political theory course teachers attended the meeting. Yang Yunxia, dean of the School of Marxism at Northwestern Polytechnical University, was invited to participate in the meeting.

It is reported that this meeting conveyed the important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of ideological and political theory courses in schools. In his speech, Ding Xuexiang pointed out that it is necessary to deeply study and implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, firmly grasp the political attributes, strategic attributes, and livelihood attributes of education, make the construction of ideological and political theory courses as the top priority of the Party's leadership of education, take the innovative theories of the Party in the new era as a leader, base on the great practice of the new era, and constantly promote the reform and innovation of ideological and political theory courses, so as to ensure that the Party's cause and the socialist modernising and strengthening the country.

The School of Marxism of Northwestern Polytechnical University actively carries out the curriculum reform of ideological and political theory courses, in order to further promote the school's "127" goal and create a large number of "master-type" talents. In recent years, the college has learnt from the advanced teaching experience of universities at home and abroad, and explored diversified teaching modes, including systematic teaching, thematic teaching, practical teaching, classical study, online teaching, scenario teaching and blended teaching, etc. The college has developed teaching resources by using the latest information technology, and independently developed its own teaching resources. It develops teaching resources by using the latest information technology and independently researches and develops the NPU virtual simulation experimental teaching project, which fully realises the interaction and sharing between teachers and students. In accordance with the principle of "eight unity", the college has constructed "online and offline", "in-class and out-of-class", "teaching and self-study", "theory and self-study", and "online and offline", "in-class and out-of-class", and "theory and self-study". "Theoretical and practical, reading and seminar, and question and answer systematic modes are constructed in accordance with the principle of "eight unities", so as to enhance the integration of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era into the teaching materials, classrooms and minds.

        Yang Yunxia, born in 1972, Han nationality, member of the CPC, dean, professor, doctoral director, philosophy and social sciences leading talent, national cultural masters and the "four batches of" talent, Shaanxi Province, "six batches of" talent, Xi'an Municipal Decision-making Advisory Committee, Shaanxi Province, labour and personnel experts, visiting scholars at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom long-term engaged in the study of labour issues, presided over the National Social Science Fund, the State Social Science Foundation, the National Social Science Foundation of the sub-topics of the major projects, the People's Court of the Supreme Court of the major topics of judicial research, major projects in the Shaanxi Province, such as social science funds, and so on, more than 50 items;She has published five monographs, including Research on the Legal Governance of Labour Relations under the Idea of Sharing, Research on the Legal System of Employee Participation in China's Corporate Enterprises, and Research on the Labour Rights and Interests of Temporary Workers in the Public Sector. He has published more than 70 papers in CSSCI journals, 8 papers reproduced in full in the National People's Congress Photocopied Newspaper Materials, and more than 20 articles in the Guangming Daily and other mainstream newspapers and media;Papers such as "Promoting the Healthy Development of Harmonious Labour Relations" have won three first prizes for outstanding achievements in philosophical and social sciences in Shaanxi Province, and the monograph "Research on the Labour Rights and Interests of Temporary Workers in the Public Sector" has won the third prize for outstanding achievements in philosophical and social sciences in Shaanxi Province.She has presided over one national first-class course, and two teaching reform projects in Shaanxi Province, won five National Teaching Achievement Awards and Shaanxi Provincial Teaching Achievement Awards, and participated in the review of teaching materials by the National Textbook Committee.She also serves as vice president of the Marxism Branch of the Chinese Society of Higher Education, vice president of the Shaanxi Social Law Research Society, and as an expert in the evaluation of the Chinese Academic Foreign Translation Project of the National Social Science Foundation.

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